In the midst of all the post-vacation chaos, Little Pea celebrated her special day. Two years old, I can hardly believe it. We came back from Disney and I had absolutely nothing planned for her little party. I had approximately 4 days to pull it together with no gifts, no "theme", no cake, zilch.
After some consideration, it seemed only right to do a Disney mash-up theme for her. She has been obsessed with Minnie & Mickey Mouse for months. She had a blast on our trip and flipped out over meeting each of the characters in person.
But to fully understand my little girl and her party theme, I have to share this funny story:
We had a magical moment at Disney's Hollywood Studios when a castmember pulled us aside just before we were set to leave the park and asked if we wanted to meet Donald Duck and Piglet. She told us there was no line (score!) and we'd have them to ourselves. We had this encounter in a private little courtyard off to the side where my girls got to interact with these two characters for 10 minutes by themselves. The girls were beyond thrilled.
Lots of hugs. Lots of smiles. Lots of roaring.
Wait, what? Roaring? Yes. Both girls are obsessed with dinosaurs. Little Pea LOVES to roar like a dinosaur any chance she's given. For some reason she started roaring at Donald and Piglet and scared the living daylights out of them. The more they cowered the more Little Pea laughed and laughed and roared some more. You can see her doubled over in the photo above. Oh how funny she thinks she is.
So it seemed only fitting that the dinosaur theme carry over from the Peanut's birthday onto Little Pea's but I wanted to keep with all things Disney. We chose Rex from Toy Story to take a place of honor on her birthday cake. Little Pea was thrilled--a 'saur & Minnie!! It doesn't get much better than that for a 2 year old I suppose.
Happy birthday to my little lady. I could not possibly love your fantastic mix of girlie sweetness & playful wildness any more than I already do. You keep things interesting in the very best of ways and I can't wait to see what your next year brings.
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